Top Social Bookmark Sites List

August 5, 2006

I was curious as to which social bookmarking sites were the most popular. I took the list of social bookmark sites from TopRank Social Bookmark Link Creator and plug them into Alexa Traffic Rank to see.

Digg - 100 - 147
Technorati - 247
Reddit - 1411
Furl - 2357
BlinkList - 4002
Spurl - 9870
Magnolia - 11536
Blogmarks - 12538
Shadows - 15021
Simpy - 16669
Rawsugar - 22406
Onlywire - 23680
Wink - 29121
Connetea - 29538
Blinkbits - 30773
Netvouz - 30958
Gravee - 39647
Citeulike - 41924
Scuttle - 45341
Linkagogo - 49738
Feedmelinks - 54967 - 63676
Tagtooga - 85897
Feedmarker - 86606
Linkroll - 89059
Buddymarks - 90605
Maple - 137907
Talkdigger - 155583
Igooi - 188825
Givealink - 435866
Lilisto - 445219
Yahoo MyWeb - 1 (Yahoo ranking)

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