5 Fast Small Business Marketing Tips for 2017

December 6, 2016

The end of 2016 is within sight, which means you’re probably starting to plan out your digital marketing strategy for 2017. We’ve learned plenty of lessons this year and as we know, the digital landscape is always evolving. So here are some quick marketing tips that can jumpstart your success in 2017.

#1 Using Texts to Follow Up

An Unlikely Experiment That’s Working Really Well! – Frank Kern


In this awesome, informative video by Frank Kern, he shows you how you can use inbound texting (which basically means, “Let people text you if they want or need something.”) to increase engagement and drastically boost sales. He even gives you a template for how to make this work!



#2 Getting More Google Reviews 

Local SEO: How to Generate URLs for Reviews on Google and Yelp – Jason McDonald


Almost everyone knows that reviews are incredibly important for the online success of your business, especially in local search listings. Jason McDonald goes over how to get more Google reviews by asking nicely and providing an easy, clean link to your profile.


#3 Using Birthdays to Generate New Customers 

Bring in New Leads Every Month Without Lifting a Finger – Joy Gendusa, CEO PostcardMania


Birthdays offer the perfect opportunity to reach out to prospects or current customers with a relevant message and a reason to come to your business (whether it’s online or offline). And the best part is that you can automate it all.



#4 Getting Your Website Search Engine House in Order Fast

Never Forget These 5 Key SEO Principles – Cheryl Dykstra, Content Writer Sales & Marketing Technologies


Though search engine optimization is always evolving, here are our five SEO principles to never forget. Also included in this article is our FREE SEO Auditor Tool, which will show you which parts of your website could be losing you customers. You definitely need to try it out.


#5 Using Facebook Ad Remarketing to Increase Sales

The Evolution of Facebook Remarketing – Jon Loomer


If you don’t think Facebook ads would work for your business, you still need to read this article. Find out how they can work for any business - even if your website doesn’t get a high volume of traffic.


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