Has Ad Transparency Gone Too Far? Facebook Starts Showing All Ads That Businesses Are Running

July 9, 2018

You may have noticed a new section to Facebook pages recently – “Info & Ads”.

This new section added by Facebook is another addition to continuing its transparency efforts regarding Pages and ads. In this new section, you’ll be able to find all the ads that a Page has run across Facebook, Instagram and Messenger, as well as Facebook’s partner networks.

This means that anyone can go to your Page and see all of the ads you’ve run, whether or not they are part of the original target audience for the ads. There will also be an option to flag an ad if it’s suspicious by clicking on the “Report Ad” button.

“The vast majority of ads on Facebook are run by legitimate organizations — whether it’s a small business looking for new customers, an advocacy group raising money for their cause, or a politician running for office. But we’ve seen that bad actors can misuse our products, too,” writes Facebook’s director of product management, Rob Leathern, and its product marketing director, Emma Rodgers, the company’s news blog.

What Does This Mean for Businesses?

With all of the controversy surrounding Facebook and their advertising policies, it makes sense for Facebook to be more forthcoming to consumers about the ads they are, or aren’t, showing.

However, as a business, you select specific targeting parameters for your ads for a reason, so does it hurt that anyone will be able to see your ads? It depends.

Sure, you won’t be able to hide if you’re offering different pricing, but there’s a new opportunity for people who might not have been in your original target who could be interested in your offer. It could open up new leads for your business.

Plus, this new section doesn’t just display your ads. Facebook also is sharing detailed information on the Page, including its creation date and if there have been any recent name changes to the Page. Facebook says it has plans to add more Page information soon.

Facebook’s Not Alone in Ad Transparency

Facebook isn’t the only advertising platform that has taken steps to protect their platforms against malicious behavior. Twitter has also made big changes to their ad policies and has added a new Ad Transparency Center – a searchable database of ads much like Facebook’s ad archive, making it possible for anyone to see ads that have run on the app during the last seven days.

Overall, these changes are to help protect the platforms, but it also is a way for consumers to be more aware of advertising – and that’s important for business owners and marketers to understand.

So before you start your next ad campaign on these social channels, you should call Sales & Marketing Technologies today to speak with an expert digital marketer to ensure your advertising strategy is solid and presentable to all.

To schedule a free strategy session, call us today at 407-682-2222.

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