In the year 2013, the traffic of mobile websites almost doubled. Almost everyone now owns smart phones instead of regular cell phones - in fact, the second quarter of 2013 was the first quarter in which smart phones surpassed other phones sales. Because of this, more people are turning to their smart phones to make mobile purchases, or to visit websites and gather information.
What do you need to create a better mobile experience for your users?
First and foremost, you need to understand that mobile users are looking for something different than desktop users. Often times, mobile users are on the go and their screens are much smaller than regular desktop devices. For these two reasons, it is important to provide them with simple and to the point content. Think of two of the most popular social media applications on phones - Twitter and Vine. Twitter limits its users to 140 characters, while Vine allows users to upload six seconds of video. Only the most important information can make it to users in this format.
It is also important to limit the amount of hurdles between users and the information they are looking for. Login screens and multiple steps to get to information will often turn mobile users off quicker than those using desktops.
Finally, keep content static. If you are including videos on your page, make sure that they are click-to-play, instead of playing by default, and avoid using multiple animated gifts - this can slow down the phone’s downloading of content, ruining the user’s experience.
If your website is in need of becoming mobile friendly, Sales & Marketing Technologies has a few options to choose from. Contact us today to find out which is best for you.