Do I Need a Website Redesign?

October 17, 2017

What parts of your website really matter to customers?

Can I make do with what I have? Is it worth investing in a new website design? Is my website really affecting sales that much?

There are certain aspects of your web design that visitors absolutely care about and if they don’t get their needs met, they’re going to leave… almost immediately.

There is no point in spending good marketing dollars driving people to your site if they are simply going to hit the back button right after arriving. The goal of driving traffic to your site is to increase conversion rates, whatever that conversion looks like to your business.

So, what do your visitors care about when they enter your website?

5 Crucial Pieces to Good Web Design

Now, when we say good design, we don’t just mean that your website looks pretty. A website with a good design means that it is easy to navigate, is organized efficiently, offers visitors value, and of course, it is aesthetically pleasing.

1. Navigation

A survey from Hubspot showed that 76% of people say the most important characteristic of a website is ease of use. Navigation is a huge part of creating a well-organized and user-friendly website.

If you want visitors to stay on your website and work their way towards a conversion, it’s imperative that they’re able to find the information they’re looking for. Also, keep in mind that most people don’t actually use their back buttons, therefore, your navigation should be able to get them back to where they started easily.

Creating a smart navigational system for your entire website allows users to browse through easily, which keeps them there longer with an increased chance for conversions.

2. Organization

A well-organized website provides a clear picture of what you’re offering, why your visitors need it, and how they can get it.

Your pages should be organized so that they clearly display what is most important using a visual hierarchy with calls-to-action larger, bolder and easier to see. By directing visitors’ eyes to what you want them to see, you can direct them to the action you want them to take.

3. Value

Giving visitors value with your website can mean many different things.

What it boils down to is making sure your website visitors are getting what they’re promised. If they come to your website searching for information about your product or service, it’s important they receive it quickly and easily.

The biggest way to provide value through your website is with high quality content.

4. Aesthetics

At the end of the day, aesthetics do play a part in the effectiveness of your website in capturing new leads and converting customers. Is it visually appealing? Does the imagery reinforce your brand message?

The first impression visitors have of your website could be the deciding factor on whether or not they trust you, want to do business with you, would refer you to their friends or would ever come back again.

Finding the right aesthetic for your business means determining who your audience is. For example, if you’re a law firm, you’ll want to forgo the bright, flashy colors and cartoonish graphics. Remember that it’s not about what YOU like; it’s about what YOUR CUSTOMERS need to see. People aren’t generally playing around when researching law firms.

Another portion of web design aesthetics is using appealing imagery and video content to break up text and help break down information in an easy-to-digest form.

5. Speed & Responsive Design

This last section isn’t always considered “part of your website design” but they are both crucial in keeping visitors on your website.

The longer a visitor has to wait for a page to load, the more likely they are to abandon that page and hit that back button. The majority of people are willing to wait about 6-10 seconds for a page to load, but there are some that are only willing to wait 1-5 seconds, and a small percentage that will not wait even 1 second.

Along with page load speed, HOW your page loads can affect how long people stay on your website. This is where having responsive web design is so important. More people today are using their smartphones to search the web than desktops. Responsive web design takes your website and adjusts the different elements to make sure your website is delivered with the optimal viewing experience and is easy to navigate, read and use without having to resize in their device.

Don’t guess whether you need a website redesign…

Let the experienced and skilled Orlando web designers and web developers at Sales & Marketing Technologies give you a professional opinion... for free!

If you are in Orlando, Florida come in and let’s go through your site together. We can show you all the areas your site can be improved. Can’t make it in? No problem. We can do a screen share with you and show you. If you don’t need a redesign, we’ll tell you that too. Call SMT today at (407) 682-2222 and ask for your free, no-obligation web design consultation.

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