Expand the Reach of your Dental Promotions through Facebook

April 23, 2014

In conversations with dentists, I am always asked of ways to increase their “likes” on Facebook. There is a definite value of getting a “like" to your business page. It is a way to quickly distribute a message from your office to members of your Internet community. For example, when you post a promotion on your Facebook business page, it automatically appears on the newsfeed of everyone who “likes” your dental office. Imagine if you acquired 800 likes. When you post a promotion for a teeth whitening at only $399 for the month of May, many of them will see the promotion the next time they log into Facebook, expanding your reach further than if you only offered the promotion at your office. It is a way for you to stay top of mind and visible in front of your current patients and potential new patients.

I was in a dental office earlier this week and I noticed a unique way they were acquiring “likes” to their Facebook page. As a patient walks up to the front desk to check-in, there is a slanted acrylic sign holder with a flyer “Like Us on Facebook”. Magazines in a dental office lobby are so 2002. Take a look at your lobby full of waiting patients. The majority of these patients are probably using their Smartphone to surf the net.

If you have a Facebook business page, take a screenshot of your page. Make a flyer with that screenshot with the message “Like Us on Facebook” to stay abreast of our latest offers and news. Take the flyer, purchase a $5 standing frame from an office supply store and place it in a high visibility spot in your lobby. A great spot is your entry registration desk. Let’s say you have 30 patients visiting your office per day. Over a week, that’s 150 patients or nearly 600 per month. Over a year, you may have 7,200 people walk in and out of your office. If you get 20% of them to “Like” your page, you now have a way to communicate offers and specials to 1,440 on a frequent basis.

This is an example of marketing strategies we can help dental offices clients employ. Sales & Marketing Technologies is Central Florida's most established Digital marketing and web development company.

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