The Forgotten Power of Internal Linking

July 30, 2010

Did you know that Google says there are hundreds of factors that go into getting your site to rank for targeted keywords?  It can be overwhelming to think about. That’s why many of our clients come to us in the first place. It can be intimidating to figure out everything you site needs in order to be successful online.

There have been many instances where a client would search "SEO" or "Rank #1 on Google" and come back to us saying, “Build me links so I can rank for keyword!” We hear that all the time, but like stated above, there are hundreds of factors that go into ranking and we're here to talk about one that is overlooked often: Internal Linking.

Types of Links 

No, we're not talking Zelda here. There are two types of links in regards to this topic: 1) external links and 2) internal links.  External links are links from other websites pointing back to yours. These types of links can be a great way to build up link juice and authority for your website, as long as the sites linking to you are genuine (not bought links) and in good standings with Google. Internal links are links within your website pointing to other pages on your website. For example, if I were to write about Orlando SEO, it's a good idea for me to link that anchor text to our targeted page, which for us is our search engine optimization page.

Why Use Internal Linking

We always try to tell clients that internal linking is a great place to start with a link building campaign because it becomes clear in their minds what keywords are relevant for each page. When setting up your internal link structure, it makes things much easier to draw a mind map to visually label which pages are optimized for specific keywords. Once you have that mapped it, you can start going through your site and interlinking interior pages. This helps search engines build keyword relevancy for those specific pages and in the end, contributes to helping your site rank better.

This system works especially well for our clients that use our SMT Conversion Site; an ASP.NET CMS with a blog. But it can work just as well with any website.

At Sales & Marketing Technologies, we help clients just like you put together comprehensive online marketing strategies to help better their presence on the internet.  Contact us now if you would like to learn more about how we can help you grow your business online!

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