Get Social With Ecommerce Receipts

November 16, 2010

The integration between social networks and search engines is going to start to impact traditional search engine optimization techniques. There has been more and more social influence being built into the search algorithms in order to present better search results to the end user. Just take a look at Bing's Instant Personalization program.
Businesses of all sizes need to become aware of these impacts and understand how being a part of social networks can help their business succeed online. Beside maintaining an active social network account, businesses need to look at new strategies and techniques to encourage visitors/buyers to become brand evangelists.
Lets discuss one technique for ecommerce web sites that can leverage the site user in tweeting or liking their products. I recently signed up for an industry conference that presented me the opportunity to tweet a message that I had successfully signed up for their conference to all of my Twitter followers. During the checkout process I was presented with a receipt page where they removed all internal navigation and external links from the page. The only active link was a retweet button. There was really no strong call to action asking me to tweet my recent purchase, but I still decided to use the button. This message was sent to my network of 700+ followers. If only 1% of my followers actually saw this message and 2% of them converted, the ROI on this simple addition of a retweet button would pay off big time (the average revenue was over $1000).
So lets take this a step further. If you have multiple products ordered, you could dynamically roll up all of the product detail pages into one URL (see Bundle feature) and allow the buyer to retweet the entire purchase. You could also place a call to action to become a fan of your company on Facebook.

This simple addition of social functionality could help drive additional visitors to your store front as well as assist in improving your "socially influenced" search engine rankings.
Sales & Marketing Technologies is Central Florida's most established Digital Marketing and web development company. Contact our skilled marketers today for more information on how we can help with your social media marketing strategy.

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