Google Leading Mobile Web

December 31, 2008

Surprised? Yeah, me neither. According to Nielsen Mobile, surprisingly (sarcasm) Google is the leading force in mobile search in the US. With iPhones, Google Androids, Blackberry Storms, and other internet capable phones, the mobile web is on the fast track for either booming success or failure due to overload.

What I mean by failure to overload is this… We all know that mobile browsing is going to be huge! But when it does, will the mobile web have the capabilities, functionality, speed, and content to feed the eagerly needy consumer market?

An article from Mobile Marketing Watch states an interesting statistic, “According to an M:Metrics March 18, 2008 survey, 85 percent of iPhone users access the Web for information and are 10 times more likely to search the mobile Web than
cell phone owners.”

A site that does well in mobile search has:


  • Small, lightweight and fast-loading site (< 20kb / page)
  • XHTML Mobile 1.0 Doctype
  • UTF-8 character encoding
  • JPEG / GIF images
  • Content including “mobile”
  • On-site keyphrase optimization as usual (with a focus on short titles, and small amounts of body copy)
  • Regular technical SEO principles

    Remember, mobile plays a significant role in the future of the Internet.

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