Hitting A Moving Target with Text Communication

September 6, 2016

Texting – it is not a new technology, yet when many business owners are asked if they utilize text message marketing, many will laugh at the premise. Why?

With people relying more and more on their mobile phones, doesn’t texting them seem like the ideal way to get their attention and deliver a powerful message in a world where advertising saturates our environment? In some examples, “95 out of 100 customers who have opted in to a text messaging program OPEN and READ mobile messages within 3 minutes.” Forbes

Text message mobile marketing is not complicated but it is highly regulated, just like telephone marketing. This is to deter spamming via texts and helps protect your customers from getting too bombarded with messaging. But if you follow some basic guidelines and best practices, you shouldn’t have an issue utilizing this marketing channel.

Chipotle’s Text Message Marketing

If you’re not already on someone’s text marketing list, you might not realize just how powerful it is. So right now, it’s time to get personal. My name is Cheryl… and I’m in love with Chipotle… I was already a heavy consumer of the fast casual eatery, so when I was asked if I wanted to receive promotions via text after entering a contest, I figured, “Why not?”

Since then I’ve received texts from Chipotle about their upcoming promotions and most of the time I can confirm that I check and read them almost immediately. Not that I’m that crazy about their food, but I always have my phone on me and I pretty much will always look at it if I get a text.

Now, not all of their texts inspire me to run out and spend money on a delicious burrito, but there have been times where I’ll click on a link, enter a contest, or remind myself to get a free drink during my next visit. I have to say from a consumer and marketer point of view… it works pretty well.

MMS – Multimedia Messaging Service

For those who are still skeptical that your audience will be persuaded by plain text sent to their phone, you can always add to it. Just like social media evolved to start incorporating pictures, videos, gifs and more forms of compelling content (Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr) so has text communication. MMS was created to add visually engaging content to text marketing and it works natively on 95% of mobile devices in the United States.

Text Message Marketing for Any Business

Text communication is really applicable for almost any business. Recent research gathered by Dynmark.com suggests “…almost one third of those targeted with SMS advertising campaigns respond to the correspondence; with almost half of this group going on to make a purchase.” Let your customers know about an upcoming sale, a new shipment of your most popular product, or just let them know about your next event.

There are so many ways to utilize text messaging for your business that it’s hard to explain them all. If you’re interested in learning more about how text message marketing could work for your specific business, call Sales & Marketing Technologies today at (407) 682-2222.

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