How do you know if you’ve been Panda-slapped?

When Pandas attack

April 22, 2011

On February 24th of this year, Google rolled out it’s (now infamous) Panda update.
Throughout the year, Google updates it’s method of ranking and displaying search engine results for all queries. The goal of these updates is always to increase the relevancy of the search results as they relate to the search query.
The latest update, dubbed “Panda”, has adversely affected an estimated 12% of US-based websites.

1. Login to Google Analytics. Need help? Contact us

2. On your Dashboard, click Traffic Sources > Search Engines > Show non-paid

3. Click Google (to view only the traffic sent by Google)

4. Click Keyword > Country / Territory

5. Type “United States” into the filter to see only the traffic sent by Google in the US

6. Click Go


By following the steps below, you can determine if you’ve been panda-slapped.

Now, move your mouse over to February 24. Don’t see a dip? Congratulations, you’ve escaped being mauled by Panda. Do you see a plunge? Post your website in the comments below and we’ll follow-up with some additional material on how you can determine if you’ve been affected site-wide, at the page or keyword level. 

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Response to: How do you know if you’ve been Panda-slapped?
Friday, April 22, 2011
John says:

Good tip. Looks like my site narrowly escaped. Google put some attitude in their panda!