How to Capture More Leads with Facebook’s Lead Generation Ads

April 25, 2017

(Updated 4/25/17)

These days, people expect to be able to do almost anything and everything from their phones. Historically, mobile phones were great for discovering new things or doing research on a business, but it was difficult to capture leads via mobile.

Facebook’s lead generation ads or lead ads were Facebook’s solution to that problem.

For the user, Facebook’s lead generation ads are a quick and privacy-safe way to sign up to receive information from businesses, like newsletters, quotes and offers.

For the business owner, this reduces the friction involved for potential customers to fill out sign-up forms, making it easier to capture more leads.

Why Use Lead Gen Ads?

The autofill forms make signing up as easy as possible for your prospects or customers. And it’s very true (and proven) that the less people have to do, the higher the chance they’ll convert.

It’s as easy as tap, tap, done.

With lead ads, you can:

  • Customize the form to capture just the info that’s important to your business.
  • Grow inbound inquiries, email subscriptions, sign ups, applications, registrations, pre-orders and more.
  • Capture lead information from people who have expressed intent.
  • And more…

Lead ads give you an easy way to capture potential customer information and build your list.

Lead ads can work for many types of businesses in many types of industries, including Education, Automotive, Financial Services, Gaming, Ecommerce, Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Entertainment, Media, Professional Services, Business-to-Business (B2B) and more.

It’s all about how you set them up and what you’re offering.

(NOTE: Looking to increase leads for your business? We broke down the 12 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again. Get the ebook here.)

How Lead Gen Ads Work

Setting up a lead generation ad campaign is pretty simple.

When starting a new campaign, you just select the “Lead generation” option from the marketing objectives, and then dive right in.

With the Lead Generation objective, you can ask prospects or customers for their information, and they can provide it without ever having to leave Facebook. If they’re interested in your ad, they’ll click the call to action (CTA) button to bring up a form prefilled with their personal information that they’ve shared with Facebook. They can then review the information, edit it if needed, and click Submit.

It’s as easy as that.

If you want to take it a step further, you can also create a “Welcome Card” that provides additional information and highlights benefits to filling out the form, which would come next in the process.


However, even though you have many options to choose from, the less information you request from a user, the more leads you are likely to get.

Capturing Your New Leads

Once people start to fill out your lead generation ad forms, you’ll start seeing your leads grow in number. But how do you get those leads from Facebook?

Facebook makes it easy to download your leads. Leads can be collected through a CSV export from your Page, downloaded from Ads Manager and Power Editor, requested through the API, or accessed from some CRM partners.

But keep in mind that Facebook only keeps your leads for 90 days. So if you download a CSV file and accidently delete it, you might run the risk of losing those leads.

One amazing feature of these lead ads is their ability to be fed directly into CRM partners such as Infusionsoft with the help of a great automation tool called Zapier. By connecting your Facebook lead ad form to your Zapier account, you can feed your leads directing into your CRM and start communicating with your new leads.

This instant access is a great way to make sure you’re communicating with your new leads consistently and working them up to a sale.

We have tried advertising without this type of connection and it really does make the world of a difference having a trusted CRM ready to handle these incoming leads.


Facebook is a great way to grow your customer base. With the addition of these innovative lead ads, capturing customer information has never been easier.

So, let’s get busy out there building your list, getting attendees to your events and finding new customers!

If you need help with Facebook or any other marketing strategies for growing your business, call Sales & Marketing Technologies today at (407) 682-2222 for a free consultation with one of our marketing experts.


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