Are you responsible for marketing in your business?
Are you looking to ways for your marketing team to be even more successful? If so, we've found the fastest way to be more successful is to make sure
your marketing team is well trained. People can only do what they know how to
do. If you are looking for an affordable way to ensure your team is well
trained for today’s digital marketing environment, check out eight marketing courses included in Digital Marketer HQ.
Whether your team members have marketing knowledge, or are just getting started, these courses provide easy to understand, step-by-step training on the 8 core disciplines of digital marketing. The training is video based, can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere there is Internet access. The training will give your people the skills they need to be more successful at marketing your company.
Digital Marketer HQ
Training Library
To succeed at marketing, here are the eight core disciplines your team needs to know:
1. Social and Community Management
Engage in social channels such as Facebook and Twitter to respond to existing
customers and locate new ones.
2. Content Marketing Mastery
Create and curate content that generates free traffic and
leads while simultaneously building brand authority.
3. Email Marketing
and List Building Mastery
Deploy automated email marketing strategies to grow and
monetize your list while simultaneously increasing subscriber engagement.
4. Search Marketing Mastery
Leverage search channels such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon and
Yelp to ensure your customers find your brand.
5. Paid Traffic and Customer Acquisition
Leverage traffic channels such Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to grow
your customer base, without breaking the bank.
6. Conversion Funnel Optimization
Craft high-converting "funnels" that transform strangers into
valuable customers at the lowest possible acquisition cost.
7. Testing and Conversion Rate
Deploy a repeatable process that gets you more sales and
leads from the traffic you’re already receiving.
8. Marketing Analytics and Data Science
Setup a basic analytics plan and determine the key metrics you should be
tracking on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Not only will your team have access to these in-depth, yet
easy to follow courses; but you’ll be able to control who takes which classes,
monitor their progress, and profit from “mini-projects” designed to give
actionable items in each course.
One of the great things about Digital Marketer HQ is that it
doesn’t need to be a one-and-done training. The courses are constantly updated,
just like the ever-changing world of the digital marketing industry. The
courses are perfect for onboarding, up-leveling and retraining employees, and are
fully automated.
Start building up your people and you’ll see them
building up your business in return. Get everyone on the same page, speaking
the same language, and aligned with the same goal: growing your business.
Want to start training your team using Digital Marketer HQ or to find out more
about how it can help your business, click here.
Instant Digital
Marketing Team with SMT
We know that not every business has the staff available to
make all of your marketing dreams come true.
That’s where Sales & Marketing Technologies can help.
Not only have we taken these Digital Marketer courses, but we’ve also been
doing marketing and web development for years - over 25 years to be exact. You
could say we’re experts at this stuff.
If you’re looking to boost your digital marketing efforts
along with your sales this year, give us a call at (407) 682-2222 or use the
contact form below.