Long tail keyword searches are the secret to tremendous website traffic. Why are they so important and how do they work?
Response to: Three reasons why Long Tail Keyword searches are so important? Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Dan Layton says:
It is very important to structure a website to be user friendly and easily accessable to users. As the internet is filled with sites speaking on the same terms, it is crucial that the traffic to your site be 60% greater than sales made per visitor. By making your site easy to find by choosing the right name for your company and products if applicable, long tail keyword searches will help improve traffic to your site. This is where marketing is important because once you get your consumers eye, it is now immperative that further interest in your product or service is applied. Long tail searches must be researched before your site is active as you don't want to lose a chance to greater interest in your company.
Response to: Three reasons why Long Tail Keyword searches are so important? Friday, February 20, 2009 Donny Wijaya says:
wow fantastic content! Thank you for sharing!
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