Is Your PPC Campaign Ready for Mobile?

April 14, 2015

Identify Your Mobile-Specific Keywords

Include Click-to-Call Buttons

Add Location Details, Site, and Call Extensions

Google Adwords has many features to offer online audiences with information faster. Examples of these tools include location details, site, and call extensions. Campaign owners can use these tools to drive conversions more directly.

In order to increase conversions and provide more information, think of questions that your audience might have that you can easily answer, such as:

  • Where are you located?

  • What do you sell?

  • How do they learn more about you?

  • How can they get in touch with your team?

In the end, it is important to remember that direct sales are only one part of the mobile advertising equation. You need to help your audience retrieve information quickly, learn, and then encourage your audiences to take action. Pay attention to whether audiences are looking up directions, researching products, or calling in. Optimize your landing pages according to what your customers need while keeping mobile’s quick decisions in mind.

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