Mobile Transactions Continue to Grow... Are You Prepared?

August 6, 2018

With over 40 percent of online transactions happening on mobile, it’s becoming clear that now more than ever, mobile is truly taking over.

Even when the transactions don’t occur on a smartphone, it’s likely that the customer did some initial research using a mobile device. Whether they are searching for information, discovering new solutions for their problems, or reading reviews, customers are using mobile more and more in their customer journey.

Even if you already have a mobile responsive website design, you might not be doing enough when it comes to understanding the preferences, expectations and intent that mobile customers have when utilizing your business’ website or viewing your advertising efforts.

Mobile Success Means More Than Mobile Capability

As we mentioned before, having a mobile friendly website or app is a great first step, but it’s still just the beginning.

To truly succeed on mobile, you’ll need to fully understand the mobile user experience (UX). Without that knowledge and execution on your website, your “mobile” site might actually be doing more harm than good.

In recent research, Google found that 51 percent of consumers look unfavorably on brands with mobile sites that are not designed for use on a smartphone. Even more shockingly, Google also found that almost half of smartphone users would not consider purchasing from brands that host poorly designed mobile sites.

Here are the top three user experience (UX) reasons that a customer would not purchase from a mobile site, according to the study: 

  1. Loads slowly (51%)

  2. Difficult to navigate (50%)

  3. Difficult to find what I’m looking for (47%)

The UX on your website has a lot more to do with your bottom line than you might think. It’s important to keep this in mind when designing your website.

Does Your Business Need an App?

It may sound counter-intuitive in this mobile-first world, but not many companies need an app.

Competition is pretty intense when it comes to apps. You’re not only competing against your traditional competitors, but also against the user experience provided by the likes of Uber, Amazon, Instagram, etc. According to Google, two-thirds of customers say they can achieve the same goal on a brand’s mobile site as they can on their app.

The reality is that 87 percent of people say they can be completely loyal to a brand without having its app on their phone, according to Google. Additionally, half say they don’t even have their favorite brand’s app installed.

You don’t need to force an app on your customers – especially if your mobile website has all of the same features. In fact, Google discovered that 63 percent of users will delete an app after a transaction when forced to download it just to access a deal.

However, if your app can offer new, unique, value-added experiences for your customers then it might be worth it to invest in an app.


With mobile comes a unique and ever-evolving set of customer expectations that challenge norms and create new opportunities. In order to stay competitive online, embracing mobile is a must.

If you need help getting up to speed with mobile marketing, call Sales & Marketing Technologies today at (407) 682-2222 for a free strategy session with one of our expert digital marketers.

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