Online Social Media Security Tips

October 2, 2012

One of the biggest things people worry about is their online security.  It can be scary – with the amount of personal information we are putting on the internet through social media sites, we often wonder who is able to access everything.  Some people’s minds have been eased, as according to Mashable, Facebook recently announced that deleted photos will now also be removed from their servers (previously, even after the photo had been deleted, they could be accessed by entering the photo’s URL) permanently within a few days of the deletion. 

What other steps can you take to have a safe experience in the social media realm and beyond?

Get back to the basics.  Make sure that you keep your computer’s operating system and software updated, as many of these updates are designed to protect you from possible security issues.  Another simple way to help protect your computer from problems is by being careful what you click – make sure to hover over the link to see the full URL to make sure you are being directed to a legitimate website.

Make sure to keep your passwords strong as well – although it is tempting to come up with an easy to remember password and use it for all your sites, this could make it easier for hackers to log into other accounts with the same credentials.  Passwords that are at least 8-10 characters and contain letters, numbers, and symbols are the most secure ones to use.

Also be careful who you are connecting with on social networking sites.  It may seem like a good idea to accept any friend request you might get, but sometimes people you do not know might actually be social bots, looking for an opportunity to get into your network.

If you need help working through the ins and outs of social media, and setting yourself and your business up for social networking marketing, contact Sales & Marketing Technologies today to find out how we will be able to help you.

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