Other Google Updates to Be Aware Of

August 14, 2013

When everyone thinks of Google updates and how they will affect SEO efforts, they usually only think of the many different Panda and Penguin updates.  But in 2009, another update was made to Google’s algorithms that can have a big effect on business: The Vince Update.

Because of the Vince update, many big businesses seem to be taking over the front page of Google.  This is because they have built a “trusted” brand - they are well know, through not only back links but also video, public relations efforts, content that has gone viral, and even simple mentions of their brand name through social media outlets.  While back links are still an important part of SEO strategy, they cannot be the only form of SEO that you employ.  Instead, it is important that you use a variety of strategies to build up your brand name and key words.

According to an article on Search Engine Watch, there are some very specific categories you should not employ.  While they worked in the past, they are not the best strategies now.  These range from the creation of articles and press releases with no purpose (no purpose other than keyword stuffing, that is) and creating thin content.  Creation of content that is rich with information and relevant will not only look good to the spiders crawling your website to rank it on Google, but also creates content that your customers will want to share with others, even furthering your brand’s trustworthiness.

For help with your SEO strategy, and to learn more about the algorithms Google employs while judging your website, contact Sales & Marketing Technologies today!

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