Our #1 Tip For Getting the Most from Your Video Shoots

August 16, 2016

As a marketing-savvy business owner, you know that video marketing is no longer just a passing phase. Videos are being used to boost sales on landing pages, engage audiences on social media, and even educate buyers on your products or services.

With video becoming so valuable to your business, it really is worth taking a look at how a video shoot could fit into your marketing budget.

Whether it is a smaller shoot that will be used for a quick product demonstration or social media post, or a larger shoot where you’ll film enough footage for multiple videos, here is the number one tip for making the most of your video shoots:

Plan, Plan, Plan

It is the most basic, but most beneficial tip that we could possibly give.

Before you go into your video shoot it is imperative to have a plan. Whether you are going to be shooting your video yourself or you will be working with a film crew, having the outcome in mind will help guide you.

If you want to film an interview style video, it would be good to know where you are going to film, what is going to be said, and how you want the final product to feel. When scripting these videos, the level to which you develop your script can depend on how comfortable you are in speaking about the subject. If you decide to write it all out and use a teleprompter, just be sure it doesn’t come off sounding too robotic.

If you want to film a video showcasing a product or service, it is a good idea to have a list of shots you’d like to get during the filming process. For example, if you’re filming a video showcasing your latest boat model, some shots you might want to ensure you get are shots of the water, people on the boat, the boat slicing through the waves, the impressive interior, etc.

You might not have your whole day planned, but the more you can prep before filming, the more time you’ll have to actually film during your allotted time.

By preparing for your video shoot beforehand you’ll not only save yourself a world of stress, but also start to create better content. And if you need help getting the ball rolling, find a video you like - one you’ve made or one on the internet - and structure your plan around creating something similar. Don’t create a carbon copy, but at least find a style and feel that resonates with you and that will help guide you down the right path.

For more information on how your business can utilize video in your marketing strategy or how to get started shooting videos for your business, call Sales & Marketing Technologies at 407.682.2222 or use the contact form below.

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