Sales Automation Tips for Successful Trade Shows

sales automation tips for successful trade shows graphic

March 3, 2020

Trade shows are an effective promotional tactic to gain more quality leads and generate new business, especially when sales automation is used. B2B brands, in particular, can benefit from trade show marketing as it allows them to have valuable face-to-face time with prospects to explain their products and services in a more personal manner which they don’t often get to do. Trade show costs, however, like the booth rental, travel costs, and displays can quickly climb which is why it’s crucial that the time and resources your business puts into them will produce tangible results. See how to use sales automation at trade shows to make it a successful endeavor for your business.

Inform email subscribers about your upcoming trade show.

Sales automation software makes it easy to create, schedule, and send important announcements to your email list like an upcoming trade show. Furthermore, you can also use it to create targeted and segmented email campaigns based on subscribers’ interests or location to make your announcement more relevant. Take it a step further by creating a custom landing page with specific trade show information where they can schedule appointments or demos for the event. You can also notify subscribers of any promotion that will be offered at the trade show like a discount or waived fees.

Capture contact information more efficiently.

Using a sign-in sheet creates unnecessary extra steps like transferring the information manually into the computer. Also, the information may be illegible which wastes the effort of collecting it in the first place. With sales automation, you can have a dedicated landing page and form that are easily accessible from a laptop or tablet. This eliminates time-consuming manual data entry, lost or illegible forms, and even stacks of business cards. Some sales automation software allows you to scan business cards and input lead forms directly into your customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Don’t make contact forms complicated.

In addition to having automated contact forms, only ask for the information you absolutely need to make it easy and quick for the prospect to give you their information for future contact. Often, full name and email address are enough, but there is other information you can request if it makes sense to collect.
Examples of information you can collect:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Website URL
  • Number of employees
  • Job role
With the collected information, you can use it to help personalize content, create segmented lead nurturing campaigns, and guide future sales strategies.

Follow up with leads.

Nurture leads after the trade show with a seamless follow-up process using sales automation. With the information collected with the automated contact forms, you can send the new leads a thank you for their visit or offer them a free resource to keep the conversation going long after the event. Sales automation makes the follow-up process smoother because it allows you to prioritize hot leads, assign leads to sales reps, and send task notification reminders. Furthermore, you can segment leads based on interests or location in separate email campaigns so they receive more relevant content.

Implement Sales Automation for Your Business

Although trade shows are an effective method for connecting with quality prospects, it’s essential to have a strategy to maximize your investment. Sales automation is perfect for tracking, measuring, and reporting the results of trade show marketing. It almost makes organizing and communicating with new leads a more seamless process. Let Sales & Marketing Technologies implement a sales automation system that is custom-tailored for your business and customers.
Call us at 407-682-2222 or fill out the form below to schedule a free 30-minute call to discuss sales automation opportunities!

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