Should I Rebrand My Website?

June 24, 2015


There is a lot to consider when deciding if rebranding your website is the right move. Some businesses bought exact match or partial match domains in the past, such as, and they are starting to rethink those choices in favor for more “brandable” website URLs to better match their social media and content marketing efforts. The website doesn’t stand out at all; it could be any flower shop. Whereas a URL that corresponds with a more definitive business name, such as not only ties together your branding, but it also distinguishes you for word of mouth and other types of advertising.

So how do you know if now is the right time to rebrand? You can start by answering these questions.


How memorable is your current brand?

Staying with the example, Flowers and Vases; how memorable is that business name? Perhaps it’s easy to understand what they offer, but if you told the business name to a friend, they’d probably never be able to find it. However, if you told your friend the name Blue Bird Floral, they’d easily be able to search for and find the business.


If you are realizing that your brand name is, in fact, holding you back in search results and social media amplification, press, in blog mentions, in journalist links and more, then it’s time to consider rebranding.


Is the new name a long-term goal?

If having the name Blue Bird Floral is something you want to have three or four years down the line, it’s best to do it now. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to build up the signals around the new domain and the more work you’ll have wasted working on branding your old name.


How much traffic would you need in one year in order to justify the URL move?

When you make a URL switch for your business, it is natural to see a drop in traffic initially. However, if you grow at an improved 5% or more annually with the new brand name because of better advertising and memorability, isn’t it worth the initial drop?


These are just some things to think about when rebranding your website. For more information about enhancing your web presence, contact the Orlando Digital marketing specialists at Sales & Marketing Technologies. 


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