Time to Transition your Yellow Page Ads to Digital Marketing

May 13, 2014

Two weeks ago, a package of eight Yellow Page directories, bound together, appeared lying next to our mailboxes. I opened the package and took out one of the Yellow Pages. It was notably lighter than years past, a sign advertisers had begun to pull their ads. I wanted to conduct a social experiment, so I left the seven remaining Yellow Page directories by the mailboxes. Two weeks had passed and the seven Yellow Page directories remain slightly bound in plastic.

 The Yellow Page books, once staples of local marketing have quickly become obsolete due to the rise of:

Over the years, clients have commented that their call volume and quality of call has dramatically fallen from their Yellow Page advertisements. They have joked that the only people calling them are sales representatives pleading with them to drop the ads.

It’s sad but true. Unless you market to a rural community, the odds of people using Yellow Pages to find information is minimal. The printed advertisement is limited in its content and details. You have 1 page to tell your entire story. In addition, once that page has been printed – you can’t change anything for one year. Compared to a website, where you can add as much detail as necessary to share your company’s business background and expertise.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again, but expecting different results. As a business, are you renewing year after year in the Yellow Pages and expecting a sudden high return on those ad dollars? It’s time to reallocate those ad dollars to digital marketing. A well built website and Digital marketing campaign will help your business regain the visibility you once had in front of the local community.

Sales & Marketing Technologies is an Orlando Digital marketing and web development company. We work with clients across the US on web design and web marketing campaigns. If you are looking for help transitioning from print ads to digital marketing, contact us today.

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