Before we show you how to get more leads for your business,
let’s take a moment to think about why people would want to give you their
Why You Need to Think
About Your Offer
No matter what type of industry you’re in, your customers
are searching for a solution to a problem they're facing. And if your business
can offer them that first step to a solution, they’re more likely to purchase
more from you or purchase a higher dollar offer.
Testing Different Lead
Magnet Offers
During the customer journey, they go through several stages:
Awareness, Evaluation, and Conversion.
Once your customer knows what their problem is (Awareness),
they will be searching for ways to solve this problem (Evaluation).
During this Evaluation stage, your business has the perfect
opportunity to build leads by offering something of value to these prospects.
These types of offers can differ based on what your business
is but could include:
These offers, if valuable enough to your prospects, will be
great tools in capturing new leads – hence why they’re often referred to as a Lead Magnet.
Lead Magnets will be most effective if they are,
- Relevant to your higher dollar core offer
For example, let’s look at Sales & Marketing
Technologies latest lead magnet, 12 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again.

This free eBook helps to solve a specific pain point, is
easy to consume (with a digital copy and video option), and gives valuable
marketing ideas that can jump-start businesses that are starting to plateau
with incoming leads.
By testing different ultra-specific lead magnets, your
business can find out what your prospects really find valuable.
And then use that offer to increase leads!
Coming Up With Your
First Lead Magnet
Are you reading this and having trouble thinking of valuable
offers for your potential customers?
We’ve been exactly where you are.
When we first started brainstorming our first lead magnets
it was tough to think of original ideas that could help our audience.
But now, we have several ways of attracting fresh leads into
our business while still giving valuable information in return.
If you’re struggling to get leads to your business, it’s
time to start thinking about what types of offers you can give in exchange for
potential customers’ information.
If you’d like help discovering what types of lead magnets
could work for your business, call Sales & Marketing Technologies today at
(407) 682-2222 for a free consultation with one of our marketing experts.
We can get you on the right track to finding an offer that
works for your business and capturing more leads!