Why Do You Need Unique Meta Descriptions?

November 19, 2013

Google’s own Matt Cutts posted a video yesterday discussing the importance of unique meta descriptions. For those of you who are unfamiliar with meta descriptions, these are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the content on pages. Think of a recent Google search you have done. Underneath the web link on each result is a sentence or two, giving you a taste of what you will find on the website. These sentences are the meta description.

IMAGE: Google 

Meta descriptions can either be written by hand or automatically created by Google, and generally run 150-160 characters long. If you plan on writing them by hand, there are some key things to remember. Cutts’ video discusses the importance of avoiding duplicate meta descriptions on your website. It is better to have unique meta descriptions, or even no meta descriptions at all, than to have the same meta description for every page within your website. Cutts even admits that he does not make meta descriptions for his own blog, but rather allows Google to auto-create snippets for him.

To watch Matt Cutts’ video for yourself, click here.

Sales & Marketing Technologies is Central Florida's most established Digital marketing and web development company. We will sit down to analyze your website and let you know if you have any issues with meta descriptions. We can also help you to write engaging, dynamic and, most importantly, unique, meta descriptions. To learn more about the services we provide, contact us online today or at 407-682-2222.

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