Every year for the past 4 years, Orbit Media Studios surveys 1000+ business bloggers and publishes a research report on blogging statistics
and trends.
While there are some subtle changes throughout the years,
one thing is clear - "Bloggers are reporting stronger results from content
marketing," says Orbit Media’s co-founder, Andy Crestodina.
In fact, almost 30% of respondents reported ‘strong results’
as the effectiveness of their blogging strategy. Many businesses had seen the
rewards of blogging and how their strategies helped to meet their goals,
whatever they may be.
In 2017, 85% of those surveyed claimed their blog delivered strong results or some results. The number represented a 6% increase compared to
2016, meaning even going into this year, blogging is increasingly beneficial
and content is still king.
Blogging Statistics
for Your 2018 Strategy
Blogging for your business can be an effective tool for
providing valuable information for your audience, positioning yourself as an
authority in your industry and can even be used as a lead magnet.
Here are some other key findings that can help shape your
blogging strategy:
- The average time spent writing a post is now 3 hours and 20
minutes – nearly an hour longer than in 2014.
- The average length of a blog post has also increased to 1142
- 30% more bloggers use multiple images as compared to years
- Bloggers who update older content are 74% more likely to
report strong results, so don’t be afraid to expand on older content.
- There has been almost a 5x increase in paid content
promotion since 2014. (We’re looking at you Facebook.)
Should You Start
Absolutely. Whether you like it or not, the internet is
powered by information. If your business isn’t providing any of it, you’re not
going to be seen or trusted online. The value of blogging isn’t just in
building your authority; it can translate to real, tangible ROI if executed properly.
See more reasons to start blogging or blog even more in 2018
– 10
Reasons Your Company Should Blog More
If you’re a business owner that hasn’t started blogging
because you don’t feel like you’re a good writer, don’t let writing scare you. You
know your business the best. Share your knowledge with your customers. You'll
be sure to see a difference in the way the search engines find your site and
the way customers interact with you.
And if you don’t want to write your blogs, you can hire
skilled content writers, like the ones at Sales & Marketing Technologies
(SMT) to do it for you. Here at SMT, we strongly believe that building a blog
and continuing to enhance your website and content marketing is extremely
important for the success of your business online.
We recommend some type of content creation strategy for all
of our clients. It is beneficial for your search engine optimization efforts, not
to mention using it for other marketing efforts such as email newsletters,
social media posts, and whitepapers.
If you need help with blogging or any other marketing
strategies for growing your business, call Sales & Marketing
Technologies today at (407) 682-2222 for a free consultation with one of our
marketing experts.