How to Capture More Leads with Facebook’s Lead Generation Ads
Updated 4/25/17
These days, people expect to be able to do almost anything and everything from
their phones. Historically, mobile phones were great for discovering new things
or doing research on a business, but it was difficult to capture leads via
Facebook’s lead generation ads or lead ads were Facebook’s
solution to that problem.
For the user, Facebook’s lead generation ads are a quick and
privacy-safe way to sign up to receive information from...
Want More Leads? Try Strengthening Your Magnet
Before we show you how to get more leads for your business, let’s take a moment to think about why people would want to give you their information. It’s all about your offer. Why You Need to Think About Your Offer No matter what type of industry you’re in, your customers are searching for a solution to a problem they're facing. And if your business can offer them that first step to a solution, they’re more likely to purchase more from you or purchase a higher dollar...
The #1 Tip For Selling More Products Online
At Sales & Marketing Technologies, we are all about innovation and discovering new digital technologies that can help grow your business. But there’s one simple aspect of marketing that is essential when selling products online – quality product photos. Did you know that 90 percent of all information our brains process is visual? Our brains process visual information no less than 60,000 times faster than text, which is a major reason we tend to remember 80 percent of what we...
ClickFunnels vs LeadPages – Which Landing Page Tool to Use for Your Business
Building beautiful, functional and engaging landing pages is
one of the most important parts of a successful online marketing campaign. Any
savvy marketer knows that once you've done all that hard work to get visitors
to your website, the next big step is to convert them into leads for your
business. You can’t do that without an optimized landing page.
So what exactly is a landing page?
A landing page is a
web page that allows you to capture a visitor's information through...
Top 5 Things to Look for When Gathering Customer Intelligence
When was the last time you talked to one of your customers?
Asking and listening to what your customers say can
give you invaluable insights into their pain points, needs, and the exact language they use to discuss your product or service.
Once you gain their feedback, you can use it to market your
business better by utilizing copy that makes it feel like you’re reading their
minds. But at the end of the day, all these tactics revolve around one thing:
giving your...
7 Ways To Get Your Business Growing Again
Looking for some ways to get your company growing again? Here are the 7 simple ways to get your business back on the growth curve... 1. Talk to Your Customers Talk to your customers. Just making contact can bring you top of mind and cause sales. Ask what they think you do great? Use this in your marketing and anything that could use improvement? Fix it. Ask if they have someone they would like to refer? Follow up on the names given. Let them know what happens. 2. Fix Your Website The website...
Industry Specialization vs. Broad Experience: Which is Better for Digital Marketing?
When it comes to choosing a digital marketing company to
help you create your company’s digital strategy, you may be tempted to choose a
company that specializes in your industry. While this may sound good on the
surface, we’d submit to you that too much specialization can actually cost you.
Many times industry experts can get tunnel vision. They
are so focused on what they already know that they sometimes do not see what is
going on around them.
Every year, Russell...
A/B Testing: What Is It & Why Do You Need It?
How do you know that a piece of your marketing campaign is performing at its best? The truth is that until you start testing various elements of your marketing campaigns – from ads to landing pages to email subject lines – you’ll never know what resonates with your audience the most. A well-planned and executed A/B testing can take your marketing pieces and make them exponentially more profitable. Read on to learn more… Planning an A/B Test Before you start testing...
15 Social Media Usage Stats That Will Blow Your Mind
If you don’t think your customers are reachable via social media, think again. These social media usage stats will blow your mind. If you can’t see opportunity in these numbers, you need to call Sales & Marketing Technologies immediately so we can show you. You can’t afford to be left behind. 1. 22% of the world’s total population uses Facebook. 2. Facebook continues to be the most widely used social media platform, with 79% of American Internet users. 3. Instagram...
How to Succeed at Digital Marketing
Are you responsible for marketing in your business? Are you looking to ways for your marketing team to be even more successful? If so, we've found the fastest way to be more successful is to make sure your marketing team is well trained. People can only do what they know how to do. If you are looking for an affordable way to ensure your team is well trained for today’s digital marketing environment, check out eight marketing courses included in Digital Marketer HQ. Whether your team...