Mobile Web: Search and Social Still Conquer Apps

February 3, 2015


Mobile Websites Are Key

As an Orlando web design and development company, we’ve been saying it for months, even over a year, that the web is continuously leaning more towards mobile and tablet users. In order to accommodate these users, web masters and business owners need to make the switch to a responsive or adaptive design for their website.

Mobile-Friendly Content

Creating content for the mobile user in mind is another important factor in making your site more mobile-friendly. This includes having bold headlines to break up large blocks of text and ensure that any photos are able to respond with the text if brought down to the size appropriate for mobile.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the mobile web is still strong, if not growing stronger. While apps and games still take up a high percentage of people’s time on their mobile devices, when searching for a product or service they are still more likely to visit a search engine using their phone’s mobile web rather than through an app.

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