Post-Pandemic Marketing Trends to Watch

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March 29, 2022

Many businesses have had to transform their marketing strategies to align with the current times. Some have used this as an opportunity for growth and advancement, while others have simply honed in on their niche and found ways to adapt.
Neither is wrong, of course. But it's important to take a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted gears, and what to watch out for in the future. Here are some post-pandemic marketing trends to be aware of.

Increasing Online Presence

With so many people either working from home or finding remote options for their everyday lives, the power of an online presence shouldn't be overlooked. From social media networking to online stores, there are numerous opportunities for ensuring traffic to your business.
Enhancing your site's UX and implementing digital marketing campaigns are a couple of ways to improve your online presence, but you should also be reviewing analytics from past users and site visits to adjust your efforts accordingly. Competition is fierce between brands, so incorporating personalization in your messaging and strategy can help you to stand out in your niche.

Hybrid Happenings: In-Person and Online

Technology itself has seen massive growth and change over the past few years in the pandemic, which has paved the way for strictly online events and forums. Though many are beginning to return to in-person events, there's a hybrid factor to consider as well. Some are still offering online exclusives or ways to participate from home.
Even virtual elements like VR and audio have seen an increase, creating new experiences with these events that weren’t previously available. Capitalizing on these technological advancements is a great way to separate yourself from other brands, while also giving your audience something akin to the buzz of an in-person event, all from the comfort of their home.

Communication and Listening

While it may seem like a given in communication to listen properly, it’s especially prudent in online communication to listen carefully to your audience. Since the pandemic, companies have had to drastically shift how they communicate, namely with more honesty and transparency in their language.
It’s about more than selling a product, but a mission as well. How can your brand show it cares? Consider what it provides that others in the field may not, such as sustainability or donations to a certain cause.

Marketing is Always Evolving

Like most trends, they come in waves and shifts thanks to the progress being constantly made. In a post-pandemic world, however, many other factors have to be considered and can sometimes be an opportunity for innovative and creative thinking.
Focusing on these key points will help during this new day and age, but there's always room for brands to think outside the box and tune into what their audience is truly wanting or saying, and find ways to exceed those expectations. Adapting your marketing system to cultural shifts and integrating new technology will allow your business not just to survive, but thrive.
Get a free 30-minute consultation via Zoom with Sales & Marketing Technologies to evolve your marketing!

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