Launching Something New in 2017? Tips for SEO-Friendly URL Structure

January 3, 2017

A lot of companies will be launching new initiatives in 2017. Those initiatives may require a new website, or new additions to an existing website. If so, here are some things you should consider when picking a new web address (URL) or when adding new pages to your website.

1. Keep things simple

This is Google’s number one most important advice – “a site’s URL structure should be as simple as possible.”

For your main website URL that means it should be short, memorable and as unambiguous as possible, especially if you’ll be sending people to your URL from offline.

When it comes to the interior content pages of your website, take the time to create simple, logical paths. Meaning, you’re URL should be not

2. Use hyphens 

Google recommends the use of hyphens to break up words instead of underscores. This helps to promote readability in your URL. (

3. Use all lower case

If your URL contains upper case letters, redirect to the lower case version. In some cases identical URLs, where the sole difference is a capital letter, can be considered different pages, which is not good for your search engine optimization (SEO).

4. It’s OK to shorten headlines

Making your content URLs more concise and varied from the content headline is actually good for SEO. For example, if your headline is “10 Super Quick Facts About SEO for Beginners” you can shorten your URL to: 10-quick-seo-tips-for-beginners

5. Keep keywords near the front

It is still good SEO practice to try to keep a page’s keywords near the front of a URL. It still needs to be readable and not stuffed with keywords.

6. The fewer folders (slashes) the better

According to Moz, the more slashes your URL has, won’t necessarily harm your performance, but it can create an illusion of depth and make indexing your content more complex.

7. Use a single domain when possible

Again, according to Moz, a company blog is far more likely to perform well in the rankings and to help the rest of your site’s content perform well if it’s all together on one domain.

How to Fix URL Problems

Here are Google’s recommendations for fixing problematic URLs:

  • Use a robots.txt file to block Googlebot’s access to certain URLs. Such as dynamic URLs or URLs that generate search results.

  • Avoid the use of session IDs in URLs. Use cookies instead.

  • Shorten URLs by trimming unnecessary parameters.

  • If your site has an infinite calendar, add a nofollow attribute to links to dynamically created future calendar pages.

  • Check your site for broken relative links.

The above tips were collected from various resources, including Google’s own advice, Moz’s guide and Search Engine Watch.

At Sales & Marketing Technologies, we have been helping businesses grow and thrive online for over 25 years. Our teams of skilled designers, developers, and marketers can get your business where it needs to go. If you’re ready to start enhancing your website or marketing efforts, contact us today.


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