Why Are Google Reviews Important for Orlando Law Offices?

April 10, 2014

It was reported in 2012 that nearly two-thirds of the people looking to hire an attorney used the Internet as part of their search. As a result, it makes sense to put your law office in the best position to attract these potential clients to your website. There are many ways to enhance your visibility online but one of the biggest determining factors when searching for any product or service is word of mouth and personal reviews. Google reviews are an important component of a strong legal web presence.

By the time a potential client has reached the point when they are reading Google reviews:

  • They have identified a legal issue they have.
  • They have identified what type of attorney can assist with their legal issue.
  • They now want to hire a legal counselor for representation.

The path from reading an online review to hiring legal counsel is rapid. As a result, it’s paramount for your law office to have positive online reviews in place to assist in attaining new clients.

Sales & Marketing Technologies is Central Florida's most established Digital marketing and web development company. Our teams of professional Internet marketers, web developers and designers are here to help your law office improve its web visibility. If you have questions, or if you are seeking guidance on promoting your practice online, contact us today.


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