Social Media Marketing

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How To Edit Your Company Profile on LinkedIn

At the beginning of November, LinkedIn released some new features for their Company Profile section. LinkedIn now allows businesses to add services and products to their company profiles, solicit customer endorsements for company products and services, as well as the ability to "follow" companies. Follow Company There is now a "Follow Company" button displayed on the company profile page. Selecting to "follow" a company allows you to keep up to date on when employees of this company leave...

Get Social With Ecommerce Receipts

The integration between social networks and search engines is going to start to impact traditional search engine optimization techniques. There has been more and more social influence being built into the search algorithms in order to present better search results to the end user. Just take a look at Bing's Instant Personalization program. Businesses of all sizes need to become aware of these impacts and understand how being a part of social networks can help their business succeed online...

Social Search Results - Facebook Friends Bing

Facebook recently announced a new partnership with Bing. Bing will now pull in Facebook "Like" information into their search result pages creating "social search". Social search will take the personal link recommendations from your group of Facebook friends and include those links within a special section of the search engine results page. In the future Bing will look to add your friend's "Likes" next to the individual search engine result listings. Bing will also be providing a "Friend...

Survey Finds Social Media Impacts Search Engine Rankings

A recent study, The Impact of Social Media on Search, by BtoB and took a look at how business-to-business B2B marketers are integrating social media with search engine marketing SEM. The study polled 464 B2B marketers to see how they are using social media to improve their search engine rankings. Did social media have an impact on their search engine performance? 44% stated it had a positive impact 28% stated neutral 27% stated they did not know 1% stated it had a negative...

Few People Using Location-Based Social Networks

Forrester Research recently released a report, Location-Based Social Networks: A Hint Of Mobile Engagement Emerges, that noted there were only a few million consumers using geolocation apps on a monthly basis. Location-based Social Networks include such sites like Foursquare, Gowalla, BrightKite, and Dopplr. The report states that only 4% of adults have used a location-based social network and only 1% have used it more then once. The profile of a location-based social network users: Male...

Bing - Ask your friends to recommend

Bing is now giving you the option to send local search results to your Facebook and Twitter friends along with the option to email them the results in order to ask them if they agree with the results or have a better option. This is a direct way to see what your friends, coworkers, or mentors have to say about a particular location. As a consumer this gives you a quick way to find out if a restaurant is any good, etc. But as a business, you need to be aware that your listings are being...

What Google Real-Time Search Means to Your Business

Real-time search makes social media more important On Monday, Google made a giant leap to the front of the real-time search game by adding "Latest Results", a real-time search result box, to the first page of search results. The "Latest Results" feed pulls results from major news sources, blog posts and social networks including Twitter and FriendFeed. Here's an example from Google: Try it out for yourself: Google real-time search for 'Pearltrees', a French social network. The "Latest...

Twitter Adds Retweet Button

... and then takes it away Twitter recently made changes to the way people retweet in a limited beta release of their retweet button. Usually, retweets are done by appending 'RT' to someone else's tweet. Example Tweet: JonNegrini I'm blogging about Twitter Example Retweet: JoeSchmoe RT @JonNegrini I'm blogging about Twitter In this example I made the original tweet and Joe Schmoe retweeted my tweet. Something to remember in this method is that tweeters need to leave room in the 140 characters...

What Google Social Search Means For Companies

Google has just launched Google Social Search. Google Social Search is a new feature that will pull in relevant information from people within your online "social circle". Google is going to display this information within the organic search results under a new section called "Results from people in your social circle." For this to work the user needs to be logged into their Google account. Google will then use the Gmail address book, articles from your Google Reader subscriptions, data from...

What Balloon Boy Can Teach Us About Social Media

Still not convinced social media is a good way to spread the word? Let's take a look at this past Thursday 10/15/09 and the five hours that 'balloon boy' captivated the world. Balloon boy is a 6 year old from Colorado that was, at the time, believed to be trapped in a homemade hot air balloon floating out of control. Local authorities and the National Guard reacted quickly to the situation read balloon boy story here, but the world saw an even faster response from the Internet through social...

How Twitter Contributes to Globalization

Article Updated: Feb. 2015 In the context of this article, globalization is the integration of views to all parts of the world. Globalization has been, and most likely will always be, an ongoing process that eliminates borders between nations and allows interconnectedness between nations. For example, 20 years ago it would have been very difficult for to speak with someone from across the nation. Now with the Internet, we are able to speak instantly with others not only from across the U.S...

How Small Businesses Are Leveraging Twitter into Sales

The explosive growth of Twitter has made Twitter a mainstream micro-blogging platform. With the estimated 6 million users, businesses find that there are true opportunities to connect with customers and drive sales from their Twitter accounts. Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real time. Twitter is considered a micro-blogging platform where you only have 140 characters for your message. An estimated 5-10 thousand new users are signing up daily on Twitter...


Web Design (27)
Web Development (36)
Misc. Website (24)
Search Engine Optimization (97)
Social Media Marketing (112)
Local Search Marketing (24)
Content Marketing (38)
PPC Advertising (35)
Digital Marketing (135)
Marketing Automation (26)
Sales Automation (21)
Company News (10)
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